about me

Owner and photographer of The Lifestyle Phodographer.  I am a proud mother to two of most beautiful boys I've ever laid eyes on. They are my oxygen.
I was also a dog mommy to the greatest and most photographed Weimaraner that ever lived for a whopping 16 incredible years. Her name was Argenta.

Hi, I'm Anna

A huge fan of furry four legged hounds, I am a self-professed coffee addict, and I have a crazy obsession with the back of babies' necks and toes. Chocolate cake is my biggest nemesis and house renovation tv shows can sometimes take over my life. I've lived in 5 different countries but have now settled in Perth, WA with my two gorgeous boys and couldn’t think of anywhere more perfect to be. .

images by www.laluphoto.com.au

I was always going to be a photographer. It’s my love language - when I see something or someone that brings me joy, my instinct has always been to reach for my camera.
It’s an instinct that lead me to my first 'Fine Art Photography of Dogs' Exhibition in New York City. Totally inspired by my beautiful Weimaraner Argenta, I photographed 4 legged creatures as an art form, happily filling a gap that just wasn't there. I studied photography at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC before moving to Bristol, UK where I worked as a studio portrait photographer. Several years later I started my own wedding photography business and moved to Northern Ireland. Photographing people in love was fun and exciting, but deep down I was aching for something more. More meaningful to me, more passionate, more soul.
After a number of years of growing my two little boys from one side of the world to the other, I decided to go back to where my deep passion began. Dog Photography.
And so 'The Lifestyle Phodographer' was launched and now my days are spent creating beautiful portraits of dogs and their people who are as are crazy about their own furry family, as I've always been, and I couldn't be happier!

how the adventure began

my story

a child's laughter


watching the sunset with my loves


a huge goblet of g & t



Dog Breed

pizza with olives

comfort food

amalfi coast, italy

place to visit

just a few of them

my favourites


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Client selfies